FAQ’s (click any question to scroll to answer)

Registration info
– What is the difference between a competitive and non-competitive participant?
– Do I have to eat the donuts or donut holes at Marie’s (non-competitive)?
– Do children 12 & under have to register?
– How do I create or join a team?
– Are gluten free or other types of donuts available?
– Can I register after online registration closes or the day of the event?
– Are transfers, refunds, or changes available?
Preparing for the event
– When and where can I pick up my bib and shirt?
– Can I pick up the bib and shirt of a friend?
– Can I bring my dog?
– Can I bring a stroller, wagon, scooter, and/or bike?
Day of the event
– Rain or shine, what time does the Donut Dash start and end?
– Parking – Where can I park?
– Course map – What is the course?
– Are there bathrooms, water, recycling, trash cans, etc?
– How do I get my bag of donuts or donut holes?
– Do I win anything if I run 2 miles, consume 4 donuts, and run 2 miles back before everyone else?
Other FAQ’s
– Can I make a donation if I can’t participate or throughout the year?

What is the difference between a competitive and non-competitive participant?

In order to be an official overall or category (men or women) winner, the participant must be at least 16 years old, registered in the “Competitive 4 donuts” category, AND consume all 4 donuts before returning to the course. Participants receive the round raised glazed donuts that Marie’s Donuts makes daily. Non-competitive participants will receive 3 donuts. Neither category is officially timed, a clock is placed at the start/finish line as a reference for all runners.

The EWWS, LLP Glazing Fast Challenge! Competitive participants that complete the 4 miles and 4 donuts in less than 50 minutes will receive a special medal! Time confirmation is verified by a clock at the start/finish line since runners are not individually timed. Go to top of page

Do I have to eat all the donuts or donut holes at Marie’s?

As a non-competitive participant, once you claim your bag of donuts or donut holes, you can consume them when you choose. Most participants will linger at Marie’s Donuts and consume some or all of their donuts, carrying the rest back to enjoy later. Go to top of page

Do children 12 & under have to register?

There are 2 possibilities for children 12 & under:
• Free – Children not registered will NOT receive a t-shirt, donut holes, or award at the finish line.
• Paid ($16-20) – registered children 12 & under receive a t-shirt, 6 donut holes, and a finisher’s award at the finish line.
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How do I create or join a team?

During the registration process, after you enter your personal information, you’ll be asked “Add registrant to a team?” There are 3 options:

  • No, do not add this registrant to a team
  • Yes, create a new team and add this registrant
  • Yes, add this registrant to a team created by someone else

The person that creates a team (Captain) will choose a team name and agree to the following: “By creating a team, you agree to a goal of 10+ team members OR raising more than $100.”

To join a team created by someone else, you’ll see a drop down box of all team names. Select your team and agree that the Captain will be able to see various details of your registration, including personal information. Go to top of page

Are gluten free, allergy free, or other types of donuts available?

Unfortunately we do not have gluten free or allergy free donuts available at this time. We would love to provide this as an option in the future if we can find a viable and cost effective means of doing so. When registering, you can choose “nothing at all” and still join the fun and support the great cause. Some parents bring their own gluten free donuts or other snack to provide their children so they feel included.

Participants that select “3 donuts” or “6 donut holes” will receive the round glazed donuts and donut holes that Marie’s makes daily. Go to top of page

Can I register after online registration closes or the day of the event?

Yes! After online registration closes, download and print the same day registration form and bring to one of the shirt/bib locations on Thursday or Friday, or to the start/finish area on Saturday morning 7:15 AM – 8:30 AM.  We accept cash, credit cards, and Venmo.

Because everything is pre-ordered, there may not be t-shirts and/or donuts or donut holes still available. If possible, PLEASE register before online registration closes to guarantee a great Donut Dash experience. The last day to register online will be at Midnight the Wednesday before the event. After online registration closes, adults are $50 and youth 17 & under are $25. Go to top of page

Are transfers, refunds, or changes available?

You can transfer your registration to another person at least 7 days prior to the event. Please email Zack@DonutDash.org with the name, email, category, and shirt size. Category and shirt size changes subject to availability at time of change request.

There are no refunds. Any unclaimed registrations will be considered a donation to the children’s hospital. We understand circumstances change and unfortunate events happen, which is why we have a very generous transfer policy.

In case of extreme weather or unforeseen circumstances that the event is cancelled, refunds will not be given. We are a rain or shine event and will do all we can to execute the event without compromising safety.

Changes are allowed up to 7 days prior to the event. Please email Zack@DonutDash.org with the current order and to what you’d like it changed (e.g. Large shirt to Medium). Category and shirt size changes subject to availability at time of change request. We do our best to provide accurate shirt sizing charts as part of registration, and order accordingly. We do not allow shirt size changes at pick-up. Go to top of page

When and where can I pick up my bib and shirt?

There are 3 options to pick up your bib, shirt and swag before the event. Please bring a reusable bag if picking up for multiple participants. You DO NOT need a confirmation email to pick up for yourself and immediate family members. If you have lost your confirmation email, you can log in to your RaceRoster account and download a copy. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate requests to resend this info the week of the event.

• Thursday, March 6, 2025 = 2 PM – 7 PM at Fleet Feet Sacramento 2311 J St 95816
• Friday, March 7, 2025 = 10 AM – 1:30 PM at Fleet Feet Sacramento 2311 J St 95816
• Friday, March 7, 2025 = 3 PM – 6 PM at Marie’s Donuts. 2950 Freeport Blvd 95818
• Saturday, March 8, 2025 = Pick up in the Start/Finish area 7:15 AM – 8:30 AM

Shirts and bibs not picked up by 8:40 AM on Saturday (8:28 AM for competitive bibs) are considered unclaimed and forfeited.  Go to top of page

Can I pick up the bib and shirt of a friend?

You are able to pick up the bib and shirt for friends and extended family members ONLY IF you have a copy of the registration confirmation email. For immediate family members, this is not required. To save a few trees, you can show the email confirmation on your phone. If you have lost your confirmation email, you can log in to your RaceRoster account and download a copy. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate requests to resend this info the week of the event. Go to top of page

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, dogs are ok with a 6′ leash or less, please NO retractable leashes. Please consider the following before bringing your dog – Is your dog friendly with 150+ other dogs? Is your dog food aggressive (we don’t want a dog snatching a donut and a finger from a child)? Is your dog comfortable in large crowds, 2000+ people?

It is your responsibility to clean up after your dog along the course and in the park, obey all leash laws, have current shots, and is tagged/licensed since the event takes place in a city park and on city streets. If your dog is aggressive, barks at dogs/people, or creates a nuisance, we will ask you to remove the dog from the event. Go to top of page

Can I bring a stroller, wagon, scooter, and/or bike?

Since the Donut Dash aims to be an event in which the whole family can participate, strollers and wagons are ok. We do NOT allow the use of scooters, razor scooter, bikes, skates, hoverboards and skateboards. Go to top of page

What time does the Donut Dash start and end?

Timeline, rain or shine:
• 8:30 AM – Competitive participant start
• 8:45 AM – All non-competitive participant start
• 9:45 AM – Marie’s Donuts turn around closes
• 10:00 AM – Vallejo Way reopens
• 10:30 AM – Course closes

If your pace is slower than the timeline allows, please proceed along the course using sidewalks and obeying traffic laws. It is important that we maintain this timeline to open the streets to minimize the impact on the neighborhood. Go to top of page

Parking – Where can I park?

Parking is available at Sac City College (Google Maps link to Lot F), along Sutterville Road, 13th Ave, & 15th Ave (behind Fairytale Town). Parking is NOT available inside the park or at the golf course lot. Please be considerate of neighbors and check all signs. 

Thanks to ANRAK, parking at Sac City College in STAFF lots B, C, F, & G has been prepaid during the event from 6:30 AM – 11:30 AM. No permit is required during these times in these lots.  Go to top of page

Click image to open larger PDF in new window.

Course Map – What is the course?

Donut Dash XVII in 2025 will be the traditional course to Marie’s Donuts.

Click image to open larger PDF in new window.

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Are there bathrooms, water, trash cans, etc?

There will be bathrooms, bottled water, recycle cans, and trash cans near the start/finish area in Land Park and at Marie’s Donuts. There are none along the 2-mile course. Go to top of page

How do I get my bag of donuts or donut holes 

Each participant will receive a numbered bib with a “tear off” on the bottom. Bib tear offs are color coded to match 10′ X 15′ colored canopies (see pics below). After doing at least one loop in the park, head toward the corresponding colored canopy, tear off the strip at the bottom of your bib and exchange it with a volunteer for your bag of donuts or donut holes. No tear off = no bag…don’t forget your bib and don’t lose the tear off prematurely. Click on pics below to enlarge. Go to top of page

Marie's Canopy crop

Do I win anything if I run 2 miles, consume 4 donuts, and run 2 miles back before everyone else? 

YES!!! If you can do that before everyone else, you will forever be part of Donut Dash history! You will be enshrined on our website and Facebook pages, #winning. For Donut Dash 17 in 2025, the 1st place men’s and women’s winner will receive the coveted Donut Dash Champions Belt!  Go to top of page

Can I make a donation if I can’t participate or throughout the year?

YES! Please email zack@donutdash.org for more info about mailing donations. All donations are tax deductible, our Tax ID # is 27-1671648. Go to top of page